PHPC Foundation

A Catalyst for Good in the Church and the Community

The PHPC Foundation was founded in 1990 by a group of visionary PHPC members who sought a way to secure the church’s future stability by creating an invested account that would remain separate from the church’s operating budget. Today, the PHPC Foundation is comprised of over fifty individual endowed and non-endowed funds with assets totaling more than $17 million. Thoughtful, prudent investing over the long term has allowed Foundation endowments to outpace inflation and continue to grow while providing meaningful financial support to the Church and other organizations.

Opportunities for Giving

Endowed Funds

The wide variety of endowments entrusted to the PHPC Foundation reflects the diverse priorities of its members, past and present. Certain funds have been earmarked by donors to support specific PHPC programs including music, speakers, scholarships, mission and outreach. Unrestricted endowments can be used to support community-based non-profit organizations seeking to address  issues such as hunger, housing, healthcare, education and other areas of critical need. The PHPC Foundation also provides funding to many Presbyterian organizations which hold a special place in the hearts of our church members: MoRanch, Montreat, Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services, Austin College, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and others.

Leave a Legacy

The PHPC Foundation turns today’s gifts into legacies for the future.  What is your legacy? How will you be remembered? Many church members enjoy knowing that their gifts to the Foundation will continue to preserve traditions and programs that have held special meaning for them during their lifetimes. It is relatively simple to leave a bequest by naming the PHPC Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or trust. You can specify a designated dollar amount or percentage of your estate. To be separately named and managed, a gift must be at least $50,000 in size.  Typically, donors complete a giving directive which clearly defines their intent. Non-cash gifts can be in the form of stocks, real estate, oil and gas interests and other assets.  Every gift, no matter the size, helps to ensure that PHPC will continue to grow and thrive into the future. For more information, please reach out to Kathy Spero, PHPC Foundation Chair,  214-284-6120 or to any Foundation Trustee.

Birthday Fund

Every member can be a part of the PHPC Foundation by donating to the Birthday Fund. It’s simple: every year on your birthday, donate $1 or more for every year of your life. One hundred percent of Birthday Fund gifts become grants that support the church or its outreach and missions.
Make a Gift

Scholarship Funds

The generosity of many members of our congregation has made it possible for the PHPC Foundation to offer scholarships to students within our church family pursuing higher education.  In general, church members, children of church members, and children of church staff are eligible.  There are approximately 20 scholarships available, with typical awards ranging from $1,500 to $4,000. While the criteria for each scholarship varies, all require a completed application and a brief essay. Some, though not most, are renewable.  Applications are available in late January, and the deadline for submission is Friday, February 28. Decisions are made in March. While preference is given to incoming college freshmen, upperclassmen may apply, assuming they have a 2.5 or greater cumulative GPA.

In addition, The PHPC Foundation has created the City Scholar Program, which provides four scholarships annually to first-generation college students nominated by our mission partners.

Scholarships are also available for seminary students who have connections with PHPC or Grace Presbytery.


The Foundation Board of Trustees strives to balance the dual objectives of growing the portfolio value of the fund while responding to critical program, mission and benevolent needs within the church and the community. Given the limitations on spending, we favor supporting organizations and/or efforts that reflect the mission of the church as a whole. The following guidelines may be helpful to organizations seeking funding.

In any grant cycle we typically prioritize funding requests as follows:

1. Requests coming from within PHPC or from organizations supported by the church

2. Requests originating in the greater Presbyterian community

3. Requests generated by outside community organizations

In general, the Foundation prefers to fund capital investments as opposed to annual operating expenses of any external organization. We will, however, consider grants that allow an organization to develop its infrastructure, expand an existing project in a unique way, or initiate a new program. We do not make grants to other endowment funds.

Historically, Foundation grants have ranged from $3,000 to $50,000. We strive to make grants that will have a measurable and meaningful impact over the long term. Foundation grant commitments are limited to once every three years for organizations outside of the Presbyterian community.  

Grant applications can be submitted by email to Foundation Board policy requires that all grant applications be endorsed by one of PHPC’s five councils (Community Outreach, Worship, Discipleship, Evangelism and Membership, and Administration) or the Diaconate. Applications must be submitted to the Grants Committee Chair by March 1 for consideration by the Foundation Board of Trustees at its May meeting and by September 1 for consideration by the Board at its November meeting. All grants must be approved by the Board.

PHPC Foundation

Foundation Grants
at Work


Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services


Kathy Spero

PHPC Foundation Chair