PHPC Parents

in Faith

PHPC Parents

Sundays | 10 a.m. | Parlor

You are invited to join PHPC Parents every Sunday in the Parlor to share in the wins, the losses, the mundane and the overwhelming of parenting in faith today. Parenting is a demanding role we take on, but it’s beautiful and utterly holy - and one meant to be done in community. Whether you have one kid or five kids; you come every week or once a month, you are welcome.
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PHPC Parents

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When and where do you meet?
During the Connection Hour (10-10:45 am) in the parlor (across from the chapel and behind Holy Joe’s coffee area).
What is the purpose of this community?
To become more like Christ through our parenting journey and support one another as a community.
Who is this community for?
For parents—to support them in parenting and faith.
What is the style of this gathering?
Our gatherings are informal conversations hosted by various class members and staff. Each gathering contains time for learning, discussion, and connection.
What sort of topics do you discuss?
We discuss parenting topics such as communication, mental health, technology, and sex education. And we also discuss faith topics, such as Bible study, prayer, and worship.
Is there homework?
No. There is no need to prepare in advance or do homework after—though we do suggest resources for those interested.
Who leads the community?
The conversation is hosted each week by class members or PHPC staff. The person leading will vary week to week depending on the topic. A leadership team of four parents currently help plan our gatherings.
I’m a single parent; can I attend or is this for couples?
All parents are welcome, regardless of their marital situation. Our community includes single parents and parents who come without their spouses.
Are there requirements to be a part of this community?
No, you don’t have to be a church member, attend weekly, or register in advance. Just come!
Where do our kids go while we meet?
PHPC Parents meets concurrently with PHPC Kids Sunday School classes (and Nursery) during the Connection Hour. Drop off your kids and head to the parlor!
I have kids of multiple ages, baby to teen; is this the community for me?
Yes. While PHPC Parents tends to lean towards parents of younger children, we also have parents whose children are in middle and high school. Please come and share your unique parenting perspective.
Are there any social events outside of church?
Yes. PHPC Parents will meet up for organized play dates and other social events throughout the year. We also attend the PHPC Intergenerational Events. If you would like to volunteer and organize a PHPC Parents event, please let us know!
Who do I contact for more info?
Jenny Winklemann,
