You are Cared for


Significant times are meant to be shared with your church family. We are here to support you through all of life’s many transitions and are ready to pray upon your request. We invite you to use this confidential online option to report your non-emergent pastoral care needs. For all other pastoral care needs, you may contact Rev. Mark Brainerd, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care at (214) 368-6348, ext. 134, or . PHPC also has a pastor on call to assist with pastoral care needs after hours by calling (214) 368-6348 and selecting option 8.


Prayer Cordon

Our prayer cordon prays for the joys, cares, and concerns of PHPC members, their families and friends. Prayer concerns are received by phone, email, or through the link below, and distributed on a weekly basis to a team of dedicated members who pray over your needs confidentially.

If you'd like to join our prayer cordon email list, please contact Loretta Daughters at
Submit Prayer Request



PHPC is committed to maintaining strong connections with our members and friends who reside in assisted living and long-term care facilities. Through this important ministry, volunteers provide a much needed connection between those they visit and the church family they miss. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Mahlon Hight, Congregational Care and Senior Adult Ministry Coordinator at 214.368.6348 x118 or  

Support Groups

"Good Grief"

Grief is a deeply personal and an ongoing part of life. We believe that by coming together with others who are grieving and sharing common feelings and experiences, we begin to move forward with grief in a healthy way.PHPC’s grief support group, “Good Grief,” is offered periodically throughout the year. These sessions are on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Rev. Mark Brainerd and Mahlon Hight lead the weekly sessions and all materials are provided.

For more information, contact Mahlon Hight at You may register and pay for the upcoming Good Grief support group using the button below.
Register for Good Grief

Grief is a part of life and the timing of events may not align with our seasonal Good Grief series. Please contact Mahlon Hight at or extension 118 in the church office and she will be happy to refer you to additional trusted resources.

The Long Road

Do you have a loved one who has received a diagnosis of Dementia/Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s? Are you a caregiver or perhaps attempting to coordinate care for this person? Perhaps you feel like you are alone in this endeavor, or are baffled, maybe frustrated with navigating all the things required to provide care for your loved one.

The Care Ministry at PHPC offers an ongoing support group aimed at providing community, relief, information, and fun for people who are caregivers for loved ones with these challenging diagnoses. Our gatherings happen on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Parlor. A light snack supper is served and we enjoy fellowship from 6 to 6:30. We then break into two groups, one for Dementia/Alzheimer’s caregivers and one for Parkinson’s caregivers. Since these diseases affect all ages and stages, this group welcomes everyone. Please contact Mahlon Hight, with questions.

Addiction Support

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, help is available. Members in our faith community have offered to provide support as a conversation partner or sponsor. Contact Rev. Mark Brainerd ( or 214.368.6348 x134) for a confidential referral.

Senior Adults

Senior Adult Ministry

We have a large vibrant group of Senior Adults here at PHPC and we strive to offer a variety of experiences that address the continuing need for fun, fellowship, spiritual growth and faith development. Throughout the year we offer opportunities at PHPC as well as offsite. Information and registration will be posted on our website.
Learn More

Support in Life’s Transitions

Mahlon Hight, Director of Congregational Care and Senior Adult Ministries, is available for conversation about the transitions that Senior Adults experience. She has information and resources that may assist families and individuals with the many decisions that emerge in navigating the challenge of aging.

Mahlon Hight
Congregational Care and
Senior Adult Ministry Coordinator
214.368.6348 x118


PHPC’s Director of Congregational Care and Senior Adult Ministries, Mahlon Hight, offers a brief guided breathing session to help reduce stress, lower your heart rate, and re-center your life. Sessions are live via Zoom every Wednesday at noon, contact Mahlon for the Zoom link OR you may listen to a recorded session by clicking the button below.

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