The PHPC Foundation holds endowed and non-endowed funds with restricted uses that are awarded to support the causes and organizations defined by donors in their giving directives. The Foundation also holds endowed and non-endowed funds with unrestricted uses that are awarded to support PHPC, its missions, and broader community outreach.
Following is a list of grants and disbursements by the Foundation for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024
Agnich Family Speakers Fund ($11,500) for speaker Brian McLaren.
Birthday Fund ($10,000) Grant to Interfaith Family Services to help with costs associated with Phase I of its Family Empowerment Program. ($10,000) Grant to Catch Up & Read to provide professional development to teachers and after-school tutoring to students.
Betty Roach Library Fund ($2,500) – funds to support PHPC Library
Chaney PCHAS General Education Fund ($2,731) Funding to prepare children served by Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services to participate in advanced educational opportunities.
Choral Scholars Fund ($33,940) Funding for high school/college students’ musical education through participation in the PHPC choir.
Ina Walker Capital Improvement Fund ($700,000) Funding for HVAC equipment (air handler units, boiler, cooling tower) and water heaters.
Kidwell Pastor’s Benevolent Trust Fund ($24,866) Used by PHPC Pastors for furtherance of the church’s benevolent work.
Malawi Support Fund ($7,305) Grant to Ministry of Hope to provide education and health care in Malawi.
Frederick and Barbara Meyer Fund ($26,846) - For the unrestricted Benefit of PHPC.
Miller- Hughes Fund ($9,470) Support for Austin Activators, a student-led Austin College campus ministry
Monie /RJ Wright Pastoral Residency Funds ($76,706) Funding for the PHPC Monie Pastoral Resident position
Simmons Memorial Fund ($12,350) Grant to CitySquare to purchase a new merchandiser freezer for the food pantry and repair the fire containment system.
Terry Price Visiting Conductor Fund ($25,009) Funding for visiting conductor Mack Wilberg and commissioned piece by Will Todd.
Wilcox Trust Fund ($25,475) Springhill Retreat Center received 50% of funding and remaining funds went PHPC to support seminary scholarships and various missions and aid.
Scholarship Funds Awarded ($126,345) Tuition scholarships to college and seminary students.
Faith & Grief Ministries ($10,000) – Support annual Faith & Grief Memorial Arch.
Literacy Achieves ($75,000) – Funds to support critical repairs of the Early Childhood Education Program building.
Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly ($25,000) – Funds to help build new facilities utilized primarily for Summer Camp programs for youth 8-16 years of age.
Grant Halliburton Foundation ($10,000) – Grant to expand mental health programming and resources to the Hispanic population.
North Dallas Shared Ministries ($75,000) – Grant to help fund availability of a free medical clinic.
PHPC – Community Impact ($12,500) - Consulting fee for Dr. Michael Waters to develop and lead a 2-part course on the reparations struggle and its contemporary movements and a 3-day trip to Tulsa to the site of the 1021 Race Massacre in the greenwood District. ($17,000) – funds for Gwealay (Liberia) Clean Water Project to complete phase 4 of the project.
Presbyterian Camps at Gilmont ($10,000) – Grant to build a new road to the Chapel in the Sky.
Presbyterian Pan-American School ($16,500) – Funding to cover scholarship shortfalls for 3 students from Mexico.
The Thanks-giving Foundation ($50,000) – Funds to address deferred maintenance and improvements
Vickery Meadow Summer Reading Academy/McShan Reading Homeroom ($40,960) – Funds to hire a McShan Reading Administrator for 2 years.
Vickery Meadow Youth Development Foundation ($25,000) – Grant to fund 50% of the EAGLE Scholars Garden development to be adjacent to new Success Center building.
Women in Need of Generous Support (WINGS) ($25,000) – Grant to support Nurse-Family Partnership program funding gap. Goal is to ensure children born into poverty receive a positive start.
Following is the list of grants and disbursements by the Foundation for the fall 2024 grant cycle.
Founded in 2003, Christ’s Family Clinic is a 501(c)3 organization focused on providing comprehensive, preventative care for hardworking members of our community who do not get health insurance through their employer and do not have the financial means to afford health insurance. The clinic partners with Methodist Healthcare System and saw ~1,400 patients in 2023 with a goal of reaching 2,000 patients annually in the future.
Grant $10,000 to expand physician hours for a newly hired 2nd physician who is part time at the clinic.
Founded In 2017, LSJA provides advocacy, workforce development, education, community-based programming, and strategic litigation to aid “opportunity” (disconnected) youth (aged 16-24 years). LSJA seeks to improve life outcomes for youth and emerging adults involved with the criminal justice system in the Dallas and Austin areas.
Grant $20,000 to hire additional peer advisors.
Grant $25,000 for the following improvements to the Youth House:
A PC(USA)-affiliated campus ministry at SMU launched in August 2019 through a grant from the PHPC Foundation. UKirk SMU seeks to provide an inclusive and affirming community for all and is unique among other campus groups as the first ministry to openly invite and affirm LGBTQIA+ students.
Grant $5,150 to fund retreats and programming associated with weekly worship and to fund honorariums for Ministers of Word and Sacrament required for the serving of communion.
HHM Health is a well-established 501(c)3 community health care provider for uninsured, cost-burdened residents of North Dallas and neighboring counties. HHM is expected to support ~60,000 visits through its five locations in 2024. Service lines include family medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, nutrition, dental, vision, behavioral health, imaging, and a low-cost pharmacy. Clientele is 40% Latino, 29% African American, and 14% Asian – many newly arrived. HHM has an established relationship with the Margot Perot Center at Presbyterian Hospital.
Grant $24,000 to purchase two specialized maternity-related machines to support diagnoses that HHM cannot perform today thus, enabling a new level of care: