Virtual VBS Success!
By Madeline Sumrow and Suzanne Baxter, Children's Ministry interns
It has been a fun-filled week for our first-ever virtual VBS, PHPC Feeds! Even though VBS wasn’t what we originally envisioned, we were able to adjust the curriculum and schedule so our families could participate from home. Each child received an activity bag with the agenda, a craft bag, and the materials needed for each day’s project. In addition, our kids connected through Zoom calls and watched worship videos with bible stories, music, and energizers.
To celebrate the importance of community and being together, our kids prepared for a party with their families on Friday. These preparations included doing various crafts to be used at their Friday party! Monday’s project was putting together a menu, so the kids rifled through cookbooks and consulted their parents to create the perfect meal. The next day, they decorated placemats for everyone at the party so that everyone could have a seat at the table. Wednesday, our kids put together a centerpiece of flowers so that their parties were extra special. On Thursday, they made conversation jars with questions for the whole family to discuss. Finally, families wrapped up the week with a big party on Friday! We loved seeing our kids have fun with their families and grow in community together. Since families were able to discuss scripture and the curriculum, this party helped VBS become a more family-friendly event where kids could connect with their parents and siblings by sharing faith.
In addition to growing in fellowship, each day, our VBS kids completed a craft or activity for our mission partner, Meals on Wheels. The kids decorated brown paper bags for Meals on Wheels to brighten up the recipient’s day. Families also collected toothbrushes and toothpaste to donate, showing our kids that Meals on Wheels does so much more than provide food. Finally, they decorated cards to give to Meals on Wheels families, sharing God’s love through their creativity. As our VBS theme this year was PHPC Feeds, our kids developed an understanding of the importance of community with our neighbors, especially during this uncertain and isolating time.
We are so grateful for our volunteers who have continued to devote their time, even when VBS became virtual. These dedicated volunteers helped film videos, pack activity bags, and lead Zoom calls, and we couldn’t have done VBS without their hard work and compassion. Also, a big thank you to our VBS chairs, Beth Birdwell and Jenny Winkelmann, who modified the curriculum and put all of our materials together in just a couple of weeks.
With all of the uncertainty and fear in our current day, having the privilege to see our VBS kids and families reminded us that our community was still there. We have loved keeping up with your parties and crafts as well as watching our kids grow in faith despite the distance. Thank you for making Virtual VBS such a success, and we can’t wait to gather again in person safely!