Senior Capstone
When Sarah Are approached me and explained our Senior Capstone, I knew it would be one of the most worthwhile experiences of my senior year. Amidst Covid-19, school stress, and friendships, many seniors in the church community were desperately looking for a safe space and a solid group of people.
Senior Capstone has come to be exactly that. We meet to talk about formative experiences of the past and hopeful plans for the future. There are games, tables of food, and meaningful conversations. I have gained many friends through this experience, and that is worth celebrating.
There is something special about the Youth House that I’ve never been able to successfully put into words. Being on the porch covered in blankets in a circle of friends who care so deeply about one another and our vulnerabilities is truly magical.
Senior Capstone has provided me an outlet for emotion, supportive voices of reason, and true community. Each of the seniors who has shown up has challenged me to think more deeply about my faith and my journey; that idea in and of itself is extremely encouraging.
Personally, there have been many inconsistencies in my friendships throughout high school, so having a group I can count on to be there for me has made a huge difference.
Senior Capstone has added another level in the depths of friendship our youth group is built upon. Something unique about this program is what our conversations are centered around. Each of us has a different, exciting plan for the future, and those Sunday nights every other month help us prepare for all aspects of our soon-to-be lives.
We focus on what we believe and why, what our call may be for the future, and how we plan to use faith in the coming years. In addition to our own story and beliefs, we learn about paths taken outside and beyond the Presbyterian church.
Preston Hollow has always been extremely inclusive and accepting of all, and Senior Capstone gives us the knowledge and the freedom to make our own decisions about the role we want faith to play in our lives. Although Senior Capstone is new this year and we’ve only been able to meet a few times, the bond of all the seniors is strong, and we’ve grown close together.
Those evenings bring out the best in us as we continuously get to know each other better and share experiences we don’t often feel comfortable enough to tell just anybody. The Capstone has played a very critical role in my senior year. Being able to talk and laugh and express myself on the front porch of the Youth House has overall made me a better person, and I would never trade those memories.
To learn more about our Youth Ministry or to get involved as a volunteer, contact Rev. Sarah Are at sare@phpc.org