Finding Peace at Mo-Ranch
I had the pleasure of spending my week with twenty three middle schoolers at the gorgeous campgrounds of Mo Ranch! I have heard the best things about this place from the second I got to PHPC. Boy, did it measure up! The beautiful and cool Guadalupe river, the Mo slide, the rapids, the campgrounds, smores, and vespers, everything the ranch had to offer made it truly a slice of heaven on Earth. I didn’t realize how strongly God was calling me to camp. A week unplugged playing cards in the cabin as the rain fell, or flinging myself off the rope swing into the crisp water.
I could feel the anxiety releasing from my body as we floated from the rapids down the river, with six of our kids in tow. I’m thinking this means I’ve officially become a Texan, loved nature, handled the heat, went and enjoyed a ranch. I could’ve worn boots and a hat but we’ll save that for next year! Giddy up! I felt the closest to God sitting amongst our kids as we received communion together at the chapel on the hill. You won’t believe the view from this spot. Simply breathtaking. As we prayed, I kept my eyes open to take in all that God created in that moment.
Appreciating the warm feelings, hug squeezes, and hand-holding with my eighth grade girls, and the utter gratitude that washed over me during the collective “Amen.” Peace, I felt peace, a feeling I hadn’t had in a while. I found peace for this week, I hope you’ve found the same.