Connecting Hearts to Minds During PHPC Serves Week
During our 2022 PHPC Serves week, church members and their friends served over 300 combined hours with our partners in Mission here in Dallas!! From painting walls to pulling up weeds, we worked alongside each other and the organizations we were there to support. With ten community and four at-home projects, we lived out our call for PHPC to reflect the love of Jesus Christ in Dallas and beyond.
In the last year we have made some additions to PHPC Serves week. We added the option for @Home projects for those not able to attend the community dates and we encouraged reflection through pre and post service prompts. We asked questions like, “how is your activity connected to a larger issue of justice? What are the real needs that are not being met in the lives of our neighbors? How would Jesus approach the people who are being touched by your service experience?”
These changes reflect our hope that the impact of PHPC Serves extends far beyond one week. Our hope is that it is a transformational experience for those who participate. We believe God is present when we seek to love and serve our neighbors and that God continually invites us to be creators of joy, compassion, justice, and peace. At PHPC, we seek to connect the heart and mind in faith, and in Mission & Outreach, this means contributing to the transformation of our city and being open to having our own faith transformed in that process.

When is our next Churchwide service day?
PHPC Serves will return October 10 - 23! And I am excited to share that we will be launching a new Summer Mission series called Mission For All one Saturday a month. We will have projects for all ages and stages of life and hope to encourage multigenerational families to volunteer together.
Projects will be announced later, but please save the dates! June 18, July 9, and August 13.