Celebrating Pride
This past Saturday a few dozen youth gathered on the front lawn to tie-dye face masks and t-shirts.
It was fun and colorful. It was messy and hot. It was beautiful and it was holy.
We gathered together, tie-dying our t-shirts with every color of the rainbow, to celebrate Pride month. Pride month (the month of June) is a month in which special time is taken to lift up and honor the LGBTQ+ community.

Over the last decade, the Presbyterian church has publicly affirmed the marriage, ordination, welcome and acceptance of all LGBTQ individuals. However, this Saturday was the first time that we, as a youth program, have held such an event. This Saturday was the first time that we have ever celebrated pride as a church, and I could not have been more grateful.
Over the course of the last month, as our world has struggled to make room for so many oppressed voices, I have thought to myself- if I had a child of my own that was struggling with their sexuality, what type of church would I want for them?
And as I thought about this question, the answer was clear.
I would want a church that celebrated my child's full humanity.
I would want a church that reminded them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
I would want a church that called them beloved and tie-dyed t-shirts in the summer heat in celebration of their individuality.
I would want a church that didn’t just talk about love, but lived it; so that’s what we tried to do this weekend for your children.
I am convinced. that all of our youth are fearfully and wonderfully made.
I pray they feel that every time they walk through the youth house doors, and I pray they trust that for all their days.
So thank you to all who showed up on Saturday to echoed that message and to be the church in the world.
Our hands were stained with every color of the rainbow, and I knew it was love.