Campus Update June 19, 2024

June 19, 2024

For those of you who were able to join us last Sunday during the Connection Hour, thank you for your time! We covered a lot of topics, answered many questions and probably raised a few! Check the PHPC web site ( ) for a new section called “Campus Update” that will feature ongoing topics related to our building, including an FAQ. We will be updating it as decisions are made. As always, please send thoughts or questions directly to the Strategic Projects Team (SPT) at

To recap, members of the Session and the Strategic Projects Team presented brief overviews of 1) the mechanical systems in both the north and south campus; 2) the current situation with the school and pre-school; 3) an announcement of the retention of fundraising counsel; and 4) an invitation to begin the process of imagining the next 75 years.

Ted Gardner, head of the property committee, reviewed the history of our building, explained where the two sides of the campus are delineated (the double doors beyond the Parlor mark the beginning of the north campus), showed pictures of our aging infrastructure and reminded us that much of the north side of our building dates to 1952!

Session and SPT member Robey Canaday gave an update on plans going forward. The headline is that we will be moving all Church activities from the north to the south campus by the end of July. Because School Board leaders have made the decision to return to campus for the 2024-25 school year, it seemed most prudent to reduce the stressors on the HVAC and electrical circuits as much as possible. Church staff and our pastors are working feverishly to find workable solutions for all Church activities – Sunday school classes, weekday meetings and gatherings, the nursery, et al. The 9 a.m. Contemporary Service will likely move to the Sanctuary beginning July 21.

To put a finer point on it, the Church does not currently have the resources to address the issues presented by the failing mechanical systems, which will need full remediation after the School finishes the 2024/2025 school year. At that time, the north campus will be dormant pending future plans. It is our understanding that the School has been exploring alternate sites for its use beginning summer, 2025.

In anticipation of reimagining a new future for the north campus, the Finance Committee recently retained a highly respected fundraising consulting firm, CCS Fundraising. Over the next three months, CCS will conduct an audit of our giving histories, survey or speak directly with members of our Congregation, and work to help us determine the size, scope and vision of a potential capital campaign.

We ask for your patience and your wisdom as we move forward during this critical crossroads. May God’s Spirit be guiding each of us.

The Session and Strategic Projects Team