Ever struggle with how you, as an individual, can advocate for a cause you care about? PHPC’s Advocacy Team will lead a 5-week Zoom book study over "Going Public" to explore what familiar Bible stories can teach us about engaging as Christians in public life today. Special guest Author Jeff Cover will lead the final session of the study.
Book Description: "Going Public" is a fresh take on people in the Bible whom God called from their private lives to positions of public trust and responsibility. Most of them did not respond willingly. Hebrew midwives knew better than to take on Pharaoh directly. Moses was afraid of public speaking. Gideon bemoaned that his family was not influential enough. Elijah was burned out. Jeremiah thought he was too young. Amos wasn't a religious professional. Esther was a beauty queen, not an advocate for her people. Jonah didn't like his assignment. Most did not feel prepared for the challenges that confronted them. This book mines their stories for what they have to teach modern people about the challenges of entering contemporary public life.
Not just politicians, but coaches, teachers, community organizers for social justice, parents, and ordinary people of faith may also find themselves called by God today to public duties. This book gives pastors, Sunday School teachers, lay leaders and everyday Christians the resources to become change agents in their communities. Each chapter comes with thoughtful questions to provoke personal reflection or group discussion. The book is an invaluable resource for Bible study, teaching or preaching. It is intended to get people acting on their beliefs in new ways.
Explore the fascinating story of slave women who outfoxed the most powerful man of their day in one of the earliest recorded acts of civil disobedience. Learn how a rough shepherd took on the religious establishment. Observe what happens when a tongue-tied loner finds his voice. See a charismatic leader in action as she builds alliances for uniting a country in disarray. Catch the humor in a crusty old prophet who tries to wiggle out of an unpleasant assignment. Discover for yourself the spiritual resources also discovered by people who were too tired, too frightened or too dismayed to think they could possibly make a difference. Then consider what Jesus has to teach about how to participate in and help transform modern public life.