Scott Drake and his wife, Regan, joined PHPC in 2005 and attend worship regularly with their sons Jack and Scotty. In addition to serving on the APNC, Scott is currently a member of the PHPC Staff Committee where he also serves as liaison to the Finance Committee. Regan has held a number of positions at PHPC and is currently serving as Deacon moderator. Regan and Scott both taught Sunday school for a number of years and served as adult mentors to a confirmation class. Jack (12th grade) was confirmed in 2019 and recently served as the Youth Elder. Scotty (9th grade) is a member of the current confirmation class. You will find Jack and Scotty helping run the audio/visual equipment on Sunday mornings. Scott is a lifelong Presbyterian and moved to the Dallas area in 1987. He attended Texas A&M University and the University of Texas School of Law. Scott has practiced law in Dallas since 2000 and is a partner at O’Melveny & Meyers LLP where he handles business and bankruptcy litigation. When not practicing law, Scott enjoys golf, sports, hunting and fishing with his boys, traveling with his family and cheering for the Aggies, Mavericks and Tottenham Hotspur.