PHPC is currently operating with summer office hours. Click here to learn more.
Welcome to PHPC
Trusting that all belong to God. Living like we belong to one another.
9 a.m. Contemporary | 11 a.m. Traditional

Welcome Home Sunday

September 8

Welcome Home Sunday is a chance for us to launch our program year. We will have a Connection Fair at 10 a.m. in the atrium, where people from all of our various groups and ministries will be available to chat and answer questions. It is also the start of our children's Sunday School year. Children through 4th grade will meet in Jubilee Hall, and Rout 56 (5th and 6th graders) through high school will meet in the Youth House. Don’t miss Sept 8 for the kick-off of our new year!

PHPC Serves

October 19

Celebrate PHPC’s 75th anniversary with "PHPC Serves 75 In a Day," where we complete 75 acts of service in one day. Join us as we come together as a congregation to serve with our community partners, listening, learning, and reflecting on the needs of our Dallas neighbors. Connect with fellow members, introduce friends to PHPC, and create lasting memories. Sign up using the button below.

NDSM Coat Drive

All of October

It's time to clear out your closets! PHPC's annual winter gear drive for North Dallas Shared Ministries (NDSM) is underway throughout October. We’re collecting gently used or new coats of all sizes and new hats, gloves, and snow pants. Drop off your donations in the designated boxes in the Atrium by the water fountains. Together, we can help keep our neighbors warm this winter!

Walking the Way Speaker Series

We will unpack this year’s theme from a variety of perspectives, including the Scriptures, the pilgrimage tradition, and the labyrinth.

October 27, Danielle Shroyer, “Walking the Way in the Gospel of Luke”
November 3, Dr. John Williams, Austin College Chaplain, “You’ll Never Walk Alone: Guests and Ghosts on the Labyrinth Walk”
Nov ember 10, Dr. Riva Rahl, “Walking and Health: Good for Your Mind, Body and Soul”
November 17, Rev. Jeannie Corbitt Cardona, former Monie Pastoral Resident, “Blistered Feet on Holy Paths: Walking the Camino"

We Make the Road by Walking

Register By September 4

Join us for a year-long exploration of Brian McLaren’s We Make the Road by Walking. Mahlon Hight will lead monthly discussions starting the week of September 9. Choose between two sessions: Wednesdays at 10 a.m. or Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Sign up online and select your preferred time, though you're welcome to attend either session. Participants should purchase their own book. For more details and the reading schedule, contact Mahlon Hight at


We Make the Road by Walking

Once again, we will offer a slow stroll through an engaging book over the course of twelve months. Mahlon Hight will facilitate the monthly meetings to discuss Brian McLaren’s book, We Make the Road by Walking – A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation. Sessions will begin in September and there are two options for meeting times: Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Participants are responsible for purchasing their own book. Register using the button below.

Upcoming Sermon Series

A Celtic Summer

Current Sermon Series

Walking the Way

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